Jawaban untuk - Survival Skill Testing (Lost At Sea)

Jawaban untuk - Survival Skill Testing (Lost At Sea) 
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Item Ranking Reason
Sextant  15 Useless without the relevant tables and a chronometer.
Cermin Bercukur 1 Of all the items, the mirror is absolutely critical. It is the most powerful tool you have for communicating your presence. In sunlight, a simple mirror can generate five to seven million candlepower of light. The reflected sunbeam can even be seen beyond the horizon.
Jala Nyamuk  14 There are NO mosquitoes in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and the netting is useless for anything else.
25 Liter Air 3 Vital to restore fluids lost through perspiration. 25 liters will supply water rations for your group for several days.
Sebuah Ransum Tentara 4 This is your basic food intake
Peta 13 Worthless without navigation equipment.
Floating Seat Cushion 9 Useful as a life preserver if someone fell overboard.
10 Liter Campuran Oli & Bensin 2 The second most critical item for signaling. The mixture will float on water and can be ignited using the matches.
Transistor Radio 12 You would be out of range of any radio station.
20 ft² Terpal kusam 5 Can be used to collect rain water and shelter from the wind and waves.
Sekaleng Pengusir Hiu 10 To repel sharks, of course!
Satu botol Alkohol 11 Contains 80% alcohol, which means it can be used as an antiseptic for any injuries, otherwise of little value. Very dangerous if drunk, as it would cause the body to dehydrate, the opposite of what you need to survive.
15 ft Tali 8 Could be used to lash people or equipment together to prevent being washed overboard. There are a variety of other uses, but none high on the list for survival.
2 Coklat Bar 6 Your reserve food supply
Peralatan Memancing   7 Ranked lower than the chocolate as there is no guarantee you will catch any fish. The pole might be used as a tent pole.

Untuk mengetahui hasil dari jawaban kalian, silahkan bandingkan jawaban kalian dengan ranking di atas, Setelah itu hitung selisih ranking setiap Item.

Semisal untuk item Sextant, kalian memberi ranking (5) sedangkan ranking yang benar adalah (15) maka kalian hitung selisih ranking tersebut, jadi 10.

Hitung selisih ranking untuk setiap item, lalu jumlahkan keseluruhan hasil selisih ranking pada semua item. Dan cocokan dengan daftar skor di bawah ini :

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